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Metallic Biomedical Materials

Biomedical Technology: Challenges and Solutions for the Safety of Metallic Implants

Ricardo Luiz Perez Teixeira

Instituto de Engenharias Integradas da Universidade Federal de Itajubá, Itabira, MG, Brazil

Abstract: The utilization of metallic biomedical materials in prostheses and implants is widespread; however, they carry inherent risks to human health. For instance, stainless steel AISI 316L may provoke allergic reactions due to its nickel content. Efforts to mitigate this risk include studying the incorporation of nitrogen into the alloy, although its long-term safety warrants further evaluation. Hydroxyapatite, another implant material, poses a risk when coated on metallic biomaterials, potentially increasing the likelihood of clot and embolism formation. Consequently, selecting suitable materials for implants is a formidable challenge, prompting ongoing research to identify safer and more efficacious alternatives. The author of this blog is actively engaged in the field of metallic biomaterials, aiming to enhance the quality of life and foster technological advancement. Particular focus is placed on materials developed within Brazil, such as stainless steel AISI 316L, which hold the potential to propel national development and elevate the standard of human living. Serving as a professor in the Professional Master’s Program in Materials Engineering at the Federal University of Itajubá, the author advocates for the involvement of engineering professionals and those in related disciplines in metallic biomaterial research, offering guidance through their academic and scientific-technological endeavors. This work contributes to Brazil’s progress and the broader welfare of humanity.

Keywords: AISI 316L, biomaterial, metallic biomedical materials, titanium alloys

Article published on March 18, 2024:

Teixeira, R. L. P., & Silva, P. C. D. (2024). Advancing Metallic Biomaterials for Biomedical Implants: A Comprehensive Integrative Review. Revista De Gestão Social E Ambiental, 18(5), e05255.

References (under development…):

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